Monday, July 18, 2011

Have a bug problem, Can someone tell me what kind of bug it is?

They're very small, maybe a few mm's long, about the size of those tiny black ants. What I do know is that its not a roach, termite, cricket, lice or gnat. Its brown in color, and looks like it may have a shell like a beetle. Im also seeing them in odd places like under a damp towel after I do the dishes, the freezer, inside tupperware, cups, pans and in common places like the counter, bathroom floor anywhere that seems to have moisture. They dont seem to care for food, though they seem to be in the kitchen more. Also Im seeing very tiny white bugs that resemble maggots, though Ive never seen maggots this small before, and those Ive found in the freezer and near the sink and they're always dead too. I think they're the offspring of the other bugs or something like that. Someone please give me some ideas about what these bugs are so I can get rid of them.

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